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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  March 14, 2017 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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>> live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. and from winter storm warnings to blizzard warnings, mother nature is hitting us hard this morning, as you look live at storm scan3, the roads in the area, already starting to look really bad. >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. snow is falling. schools are closed. here's what you need to know in your morning minute. >> the blizzards of 2017. >> this storm has everything up its sleeve. it is turning into a monster. >> the snow is pelting pretty hard on my face right now. probably accumulating about an inch, maybe an inch and a half of snow in hour. >> take it slow. some people are heeding that advice.
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some are not. >> tuesday is going to be a good day to stay home. >> but if you must, better check your flight status. many flights have been canceled. amtrak is operating on a modified schedule. >> we are expecting a huge blizzard. i'm hearing up to 18 inches every snow. from what the weather channel has dubbed winter storm stella. let's go to weather channel. >> stella! >> thanks, jim. >> i would like to think katie is a little more polished than that when she tells bus her forecast. >> well it, don't scream, rahel. >> oh, i was ripping my hair out for this one. >> keep updating things, right? >> yes. now we new there would be a big storm, but the key with this system is where the rain-snow line sets up. that's where it got so tricky
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when it came to actually predicting snowfall totals, and expectations in terms of not netsly so much timing but change over, how it would impact the day. here we sit. here we find this very, very large storm system barreling down on us, with heavy rain, some icing, and of course, plenty of snow. and the snow is primarily falling at this point through northern new jersey, and all of southeastern pa. now into philadelphia, at least philadelphia county, finding little mixing right now with the sleet. that's what's going to actually help us limit snowfall totals. granted it is not like we're not going to see anything, we will see solid six to 12 inches in the city but strictly snow to the north, you have some much much higher totals as a result. we will get to the exclusive snowfall map a little later in the show. but expect very, very plowable snow. we already have that in fact. and this will continue for many hours yet to come. now looking at the northeast wind speeds, nor'easter northeast wind, very strong right now into the 20's, these are sustained winds speeds, up and down i-95, and most
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everywhere else. not as harsh in mount pocono or reading, but it is still quite breezy, when you factor in that you've got the snow blowing and drifting around, yes, you're going to end one blizzard conditions, through a portion of the day. that's why blizzard warnings have been extended all the way back to berks and chester counties, philly not included, but again, no picnic here. 32 degrees made to feel more like 19. factor in the winds flow out of the northeast 24 miles per hour, this is just a general synopsis whatever to expect. heavy precipitation, whether it is snow, sleet or heavy rain. and gusts as high as 50 if not six off miles per hour at the shore, coastal flood ago concern there, not to mention scattered power outages as that winds whips around. so the list of impact, meisha, it is huge. and certainly travel i would say right up at the top. >> certainly s i can tell you right now ever since we've been looking at the camera shots, seen problems in them, one after another. good news, a lot of them getting cleared fairly quickly but still tells the story how
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dangerous it is out there. so right now, looking at right here disable vehicle. so east on the down side, right lane compromised, but overall you get the general sense what it is look being like around the area. very slick roadways, heavy dense slush, you can see that, and that by the way can make for very slick conditions. it kicks up on the windshield behind you. also, it sometimes depending how thick, how tall the slush stands can make it very hard to navigate into your vehicle, especially on the onramps or the off-ramps or around if you have a sharp turn, any of that is causing some problems for us this morning. so, don't let what can almost look like an okay drive condition fool you and think that you can go out there when it is still snowing, and it is only going to get worse as the morning progresses. we have an accident moorestown, new jersey, 2959 south bound route 73, kind of look right around that area. plus we've got speed restrictions in place, basically, anywhere in delaware and jersey, and also on the bridges, and we will be talking a lot more of that coming up in the next ten to 15 minute.
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>> meisha, see you then, thank you. team coverage this morning takes us now to reading berks county. one of the areas actually expected to get hit the hard. >> "eyewitness news" reporter alicia nef he is, bracing for the conditions out there. >> if i said that the snow was pelting into my face before, my last live hit, it is really beating us up within the last hour or so inbetween, and i'm losing the fight. just to give you an idea where we're at now with the snow, probably about a half foot, that's about an inch and a half higher than we were before we started. but i want to give you guys an understanding what the snow, how it has changed here, right? so it went from being this softer, fluffier snow, to the heavier snow, little more wet, i can hear it as it is hitting my jacket. and i want to gave you a look at kind of the road conditions. we actually saw some video, go pro video, little while ago earlier today. just to kind of see what it is like out there. it may be deceptive in the video where it might not look
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as bad as it is, but also should have spots in there, kind of car pulling out of parking space and shuttling to get out, just two, 3 inches of snow on the grass. that is kind of what katie and meisha have been saying all morning. this snowstorm can be deceptively dangerous, and an inch or two of snow can be something that you shouldn't be out and about on. people are struggling getting out of their cars or parking space. i mean, that's smoke that you this is more dangerous than it may appear. now back out here live, we are dealing and braving these elements, kind of as you said, jim, rahel, and then most people shouldn't be doing so. we're kind of out here. i think i heard some people talking earlier about waffles, and situations like that? we kind of parked outside after diner, people are bunkering out. we picked a good location, sorry for everyone else, trang do, all every you guys out there, we will have our waffles, probably with some strawberries on top of them, and everyone else should be home drinking their coffee and doing the same.
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our photographer, giving thumbs-up. he is excited for that. >> i didn't even think about strawberries and hill cream. >> i brought syrup warmer, we'll have warm syrup on our waffles. >> don't feel bad for trang, she's right in front of the starbucks, she will be okay. >> she's a veteran at this. >> we're all good. thanks, al lee ya. >> thank you. >> and, take a look there is was live look now at the parkway in center city. snow emergency is in effect here in philadelphia, as we've been telling you all morning long, the parking authority out towing and ticketing cars out on the roadways, snow continues to file up in chester county where we're continuing our team coverage this morning. >> "eyewitness news" reporter joe holden live in westtown, with the latest snowfall totals there. morning, joe, i can hear it pelting. >> sleet now? >> just listen to it, guys, let me give you little sound here. this is what it has been like all morning for us here in chester county, the sounds
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track of sleet. it stinks the face, seems to be coming from say like the north and the east, which is i think where the nor'easter kind of flow comes from. katie fehlinger will straighten me out on that if i'm wrong. but the entire morning since we've been tracking about, it has been this sleet. sounds like they're having more fun in reading. here i can just say that, it is cold, it is blowing, the sleet again, hitting the face. but the coffee at the wawa is fresh. and it is hot. the manager has been to our truck already of course making us feel very welcome. the road behind me, west chester pike, real a ghosttown in the distance, private contractor plowing out the parking lot over there. many of these businesses of course will probably either decide to not open or to give their employees a break as they come in later for work. also, noticed that this road of course the major artery, east and west, has been hit
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numerous times by private contractor, plows, as well, salting, and plowing. we did talk to a driver who stopped by here just about an hour ago. my first question to him was why were you out, secondly, how were the roads? go ahead, take a listen. >> oh, man, it is so slippery, slushy, slippery, icy now. just getting real bad. >> yes, slushy, slippery, and icy, about sums it up. looking down on the ground here though, the plows, they plowed this parking lot just before we arrived. and it is all of that sleet, three quarters to inch of sleet, in and over here on the grassy surface, there is the sleet on the top, and makes like that crunch, right? and then there is about three, 4 inches of very light, powdery snow. but it is that kind of layer on the top, guys, the sleep that's really making things
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interesting here in the west chester area. i send it back to you. >> you'll come back with a glow. when the snow would hit me, it is like a facial. >> like a, fowl and the. >> ruddy glow in time for saint patrick's day, joe. >> it will be all red, red. we'll have a nice tan out here. >> exactly. >> not the kind we want though. >> stay dry out there, joe. up next katie will check in live with one of our cbs-3 weather watchers. but also, if you have photos, please share them with #cbs3 snow. we will put them on the air here today. stay with us, just beginning, only an hour and a half into this. and it is supposed to be going on through noon. >> an hour and a half? only an hour and a half. also, now, live look at center city from our cbs-3 studios. we're on the air getting you through this storm. katie, meisha, our team of reporters, photo journalists, jim and i, everybody behind the scenes, we're on it for you. you. stay with us, we will be right
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>> nice wide sue, see how this storm is performing, it is huge, extends from florida all the way up the canadian border with the crux of the storm centered over our area right now with the heaviest moisture coming in the form every rain, some sleet, freezing rain, as well, of course, as a very heavy wet snow.
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lets talk about the expected snowfall, the forecast here, spec you might end up with up to 2 feet in the red shaded area, including the poconos, lehigh vale, upward of 18 inches in the northwest suburbs outside of the philly, inside the city proper still six to 12 inches, simply because we will see mixing take place, that's already been happening, in fact, to limit the snowfall totals. but six to 12 inches is definitely still a lot to clean up. with that said, just looking forward, we're still expect that really cold air to stick around, at best, we hit the 20's tomorrow with residual snow showers and/or squawls, that once again could reduce visibility briefly. but i would give you the red light on travel, really any time, the rest of the day and night tonight just because of the winds that will be blowing and drift that snow around. we do want to check in with our eyewitness weather watchers, for that specifically i want to folk just on this observation, 30 degrees comes in this morning, from megan, she has been seeing some very heavy snow out in the richboro area
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of southeastern pa. 30 degrees, perfect temperature for that. she did sends in picture of her ruler thus far, this will continue to change, but, so far, she's had just shy of 4 inches. and with that said, actually got megan on the phone right now, one of the most loyal weather watchers, and she is joining us from richboro this morning, megan, can you hear us? >> you bet. >> good morning, so what are you seeing outside your window right now, meg snap. >> right now we're currently hearing a lot of sleet, a lot of winds, it is very snowy, very dangerous conditions out there. >> yes, now, have you actually ventured out at all other than to get your americament on the ruler? >> absolutely not. i am staying safe inside. >> that's good. definitely good move for sure. and you know, do you have any plans to go out at all later today or do you know anybody that has to go out? >> only to shovel. >> exactly. so i know we got your picture of your ruler just about an
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hour or so ago. how much more has accumulated since you sent that in? >> i would say maybe couple of inches. >> couple of inches. so finding some of the heavy bands of snow coming in where we are looking at two to 4 inches per hour out of this. we do know that you're actually in one of the zones of the blizzard warnings. >> absolute. >> i. >> in advice you would have for your fellow watchers and anybody else out there? >> i say stay safe. stay inside. don't go out. there are dangerous conditions on the roads. a lot of ice. >> that's the other thing that's real important to mention, too, you're right. even though that snow is very visual, seeing it pile up in front every us, it is also very slick. megan again calling into us from richboro. so thankful and grateful you're up nice and early to report for us as we are to all of the weather watch ers. we will check in again with you soon. >> you got it. >> meisha, i send it over to you. how are the roads looking? >> yes, just talking about visibility issues, very slick conditions, anything that you are seeing in the cameras
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right now, i will let you know right now that it is double as worse driving in these conditions, as what it appears. so, some of the cameras look, you know, like this. you can see a lot of snow out there on the roadways, but you can't actually see how much slush, how thick that actually is, out on the roadways, which has by the way caused a lot of problems for us basically anywhere we look. that was the blue route, also, talking about an accident here in moorestown, new jersey, so heads up on this, 295 northbound past route 73, picture shot, kind whatever i was talking about, almost look just slick. just wet. entice ago lot of drivers to say hey might not be that bad out there, and we are seeing problem after problem. you guys very dangerous driving conditions out there because how dense, causing black ice issues, and whole host of problems, so do not go out, the snow still coming down making it even more dangerous than it was hours ago, and hours ago it was dangerous. speed restrictions in play, heads up, quick peak, 45 miles
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per hour, by the way, we have speed restrictions throughout the entire state of delaware, and new jersey, new jersey turnpike, a.c. expressway, garden state parkway, 35, 25, also seeing speed restrictions on basically all of our bridges right now, lots to talk about in the worlds of mass transit as welcoming up in a little bit. jim, rahel, back to you. >> new jersey governor chris christie has declared state of emergency. >> which means stay off the roads, too dangerous to travel. >> cbs2 new york live in montclair, which is under blizzards warning, good morning, what are you seek there? >> good morning, rahel, good morning, jim. i want to show you what i'm seeing, these three brave women out here. in montclair, new jersey, and it is steadily coming down. you guys are out for a run. tell me about that? >> out here running normal tuesday run. bee get up, run every morning. >> how are the conditions different say yesterday or even last week when we were almost at seven open? >> well we are wearing little more clothes this morning.
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>> what's it like out here? how does it test your physical strength even your mental strength? >> well, it is definitely harder to run in the snow. you kind of taking one step forward, two steps back, sliding up the hill. but it is fun to go out and have a snow run. >> well you guys safe travels. they just told me that they're coming two weeks, coming up in two weeks, half marathon in montclair new jersey so that's what they're training for. ladies see you later have, a great run. also talking to deem eat tree us here, hey, there so you're in charge of getting our roads cleared. tell me about the workload ahead of you. >> well we got a big workload ahead of us. i won't be home until about all morning. >> now, you operate this plow obviously, how difficult does it make it when there are extra people out on the roadway, why is it important to stay away?
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>> very important. it gives us more room to push the snow in certain areas, that it would clear the roads a lot better, and it is dangerous with cars driving around. and being in the way. >> thank you so much. as you can see, although it is a blizzard watch happening out here in montclair, new jersey, rahel, jim, people are out here, people are working, people are running, and we're having a good time, too. live from montclair new jersey, cbs-3, "eyewitness news," i am. >> you're originally from philly, aren't awe philly gal? >> that's right. central high school 267. and i want to say hi to my mom in the italian market. >> well thanks for joining us, you know, one of our other reporters also went to central hi, trang, trang do. >> that's right. i know, we're friend on twitter. >> see? oh, the cbs family. >> thank you. >> take care. >> runners out there, half
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marathon coming around, i'm training for a half march monday. >> i know, you tell us every day. you make me feel like i'm slug sitting next to you. i go to the gym every once in a while. >> training is going well for everyone. >> okay, i didn't ask. well, we will check in with pat gallen for update on the where the snow is. >> this is live look now at the lehigh valley. i love you, jim f high atop the hotel bethlehem. this is one of the areas under a blizzard warning. >> blizzard. >> say it again. >> blizzard. >> yes, until 6:00. stay with us, getting through it. we will be right back.
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kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. >> good morning, to you, we have coverage of our snowstorm. >> bucks county, chris gallen has continued his travels, mechanicsville road in bensalem. >> patrick. >> hey, pat. >> guys i want to know how
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warm it is in the studios there is sleet is killing my face. >> pat, actually not warm at all. i have a blanket up here. i do have a blanket. but it is not warm in the studios. >> ahh. >> he's in a snowstorm. you're in a nice building. >> oh, so cold in the studio, i'm sore. >> i i don't know why i just said that. i won't get sympathy from you, pat. >> i feel bad for you, rahel, real story -- sorry about. that will but out here beautiful hard sleet coming right at my face and the winds is really the problem. whipping, feeling like 30, 40 miles an hour. cars are moving again not that bad on street road. they've treated the roadways, secondary roads, and the entrance to the parking lot here not treated because the snow, the sleet above it, and then starting to change back
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to snow once again, precipitation causing this film right here. so you guys, i'll sends it back to you. where it is nice and warm. i'll take a break. and i'm going to get my bearings, and there is a good thing, there is a silver lining in this, that panera bread we talked about, found one. >> oh, bear claw, bear claw, oh, i'm telling you, it is like 800 calories. >> i want a bear claw. >> oh, that's bear clause are good. >> pat out there complaining about the cold. pat, you got food, you got a coat. you're fine. >> he's coming back here you know? >> i know! >> nice and warm, rahel? >> cold with her little blanket. our coverage of the winter storm continues in the next hour of "eyewitness news," we will check back with our team of reporters. >> you know i is the right next to pat in the news room. ill hear about this late. live look from cbs-3 studios, katie, meisha, our team of reporters, photo journalists are here to help you get
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through the winter weather when we continue.
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>> winter is packing a dangerous punch, blizzards warning is in effect in other areas, winter storm warning. crews have somebody working
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around the clock to keep you safer. you are urged to stay off the road. >> live picture from allentown, strong winds making it feel colderment it is a bluster day, so bundle up if you do want to go outside. >> it is a treacherous commute across the area. hopefully you will stay at home. but if you have to go somewhere please take it slow. >> good advice. >> today is tuesday, march 14, good morning, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. certainly doesn't feel like march but indeed march 14. we want to passalong all philadelphia philadelphia archdioces public and private schools are closed. >> and we have team three coverage of the storm, let's begin with katie and meisha. >> good morning, guys, yes. exactly. so we've seen one problem after the next. i guess we can anticipate it. the good news, silver lining in terms of the worlds of travel, i'm not seeing that many vehicles out there, little bit but a lot of people


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